Visit Cane River Commissary for their monthly Zydeco Breakfast. Great food, great drinks, live music and dancing. Experience the fun that everyone’s talking about. Music by The LaCour Trio.
Please join us as author Keith Ellison discusses the fight for social justice played out through the Gerorge Floyd trail in his book "Break the Wheel" and the folk artist work in the "Soul of the South" exhibit. Artist of color for centuries have expresses cries for social justice. There is a direct correlation between […]
With the lush tree lines and fields that surround Melrose, there is no shortage of beautiful landscapes. Students will be taught three basic watercolor techniques: wet on dry, wet on wet one color, and wet on wet two color. These will then be applied to a landscape painting. The only drawing involved will be a […]
Come Celebrate the Birthday of the National Park Service with us!Activities Include: Cornhole, Potato Sack Races, Horseshoes, Croquet, Graces, Badmitton, Wiffle Ball, Birthday Cards